New Childcare Website!

Hey all, So i'm an early childhood educator with the case of horrible pregnancy staying at home...I thought about being a Nanny again, but might wait until I don't feel like a ship under water... So, I made a website about childcare and my own tips and tricks for children! I am writing an [...]

Please Help!

New Family Seeking Assistance! Go Fund Us We are a young couple, my fiancee, Brandon, is partially paralyzed on his entire left side from a brain injury when he was 13. He was on his way to Hollywood to become a famous actor and a pro at the Saxophone. Then, his brain injury taught him [...]

Caeli’s Book Chapter 2: Exercise Saved My Life Rewri

#fitness #health #wellness #mentalwellness #hospital #near-death #recovery #cancer #family #problems #anxiety #adhd #bipolar #depression #PTSD I was against exercise because I was so tall that my weight carried out evenly. Body positivity was just becoming huge when I was young. But then, when you start to not see your own toes, you start to wonder [...]

Shell Girl

The girl who holds the cat's paw Urges the lions to drink Wetsuit gliding Cheek sailing between bubbles deep   Descending toes Seeping sand waves Rising spirals under Drift with me   The spirit of the fish Pumps vein to neuron Travel with me Into the unknown   There we will find your shell It [...]