Please Help!

caeli and b
New Family Seeking Assistance!
We are a young couple, my fiancee, Brandon, is partially paralyzed on his entire left side from a brain injury when he was 13. He was on his way to Hollywood to become a famous actor and a pro at the Saxophone. Then, his brain injury taught him he does not want others to feel his pain, so he decided to become a counselor. Go Fund Us
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He inspires me every day. Although me, Caeli, I have been a teacher for a few years and have currently been laid off. Go Fund Us
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Brandon is trying to keep us alive, and taking care of me during my sickness of pregnancy. I have dealt with mental illness my entire life, and once COVID began, my teaching position was no longer deemed “essential”.Go Fund Us
caeli and b
In addition, for my first pregnancy, I can barely keep my emotions under control, and also dealing with health issues that leave me waiting for unemployment, which is yet to come. I am trying to apply to social services, but having trouble getting through the systems. Go Fund Us
Having to get off of depression medication during pregnancy was what stopped me from having a child. On top of that, I have PCOS, and doctors told me that I would never be able to have children. I swear at the Ultrasound, our baby waved at us.
So, when I met Brandon, I was shocked that it is actually happening. Now, we are trying to get a home so that we have safety and security for our child. In addition, we are going through family turmoil for others who are experiencing mental illness and sickness as well. He’s been there for me every step of the way. And through all my hair and weight changes XD
All we want, like anyone is to feel safe. Yet, every home we look at is too expensive for us. We don’t know where to turn and do not want to be out on the streets. We would be so grateful for any help that you could give us during this tough time and for our upcoming child! Go Fund Us
We are excited and exhausted at the same time. Thank you for reading and I hope you can help us. We don’t feel safe in our current apartment and just want to be a happy family. Think about if you were worried about the safety of your family, I would never wish that on anyone. Thank you for reading, God Bless.Go Fund Us

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