Caeli’s Book Ch2 Rewritten: How Exercise Saved My Life

#writer #mentalhealth #wellness #fitness #mentalillness #PTSD #PCOS #woman #anorexia #binge-eating #recovery #medication #pills I was against exercise because I was so tall that my weight carried out evenly. Body positivity was just becoming huge when I was young. But then, when you start to not see your own toes, you start to wonder if they [...]

Caeli’s Book Chapter 2: Exercise Saved My Life Rewri

#fitness #health #wellness #mentalwellness #hospital #near-death #recovery #cancer #family #problems #anxiety #adhd #bipolar #depression #PTSD I was against exercise because I was so tall that my weight carried out evenly. Body positivity was just becoming huge when I was young. But then, when you start to not see your own toes, you start to wonder [...]